How It Works
What is Parkofon?
Parkofon is a fully automated parking payment and guidance system that helps people find cheaper, safer and easier parking where they need and when they need it. The platform includes the convenient mobile app and our free award-winning device that drivers place in the car to help us guide them to open parking spaces in real time and charge them only for the actual time they spent parked in our garages (for example, only $6 for 1 hour and 30 minutes). Besides, Parkofon offers $10 guaranteed all-night garage parking, automated street cleaning alerts to help you avoid tickets, and real-time on-street space availability. Here is the full list of Parkofon benefits.
Do I have to subscribe immediately to get Parkofon benefits?
Not at all. You can start with a 15-day app-only trial. You will get access to our unique guaranteed garage parking for as low as $4 an hour and detailed parking maps including street cleaning and real-time on-street space availability.
After the trial is over you can continue using our free app to see detailed parking maps. However, you won’t have access to our garages nor real-time parking availability data. In order to enjoy the full benefits, you will need to join our exclusive community to receive the free award-winning Parkofon device.
We currently have one-month free promotion - just contact us via chat or email and we’ll make sure you receive these benefits.
Is it really just $4 an hour garage parking?
Yes, no doubt about it. Brooklyn garages are only $4 an hour and Manhattan garages are $6 an hour. With the Parkofon device, you don’t even need to prepay - just reserve the space in the app, get into the garage and you will only be charged for the actual time you spent parked after you leave. For example, if you parked for 1 hour and 30 minutes, your fee will only be $6.
If you haven’t received your device yet, you’ll have to prepay a given number of hours. You can stay however long you want - your parking session will be automatically extended by 1 hour at a time before 7pm or by $10 all-night parking after 7pm. This way we make sure that you don’t worry about staying longer than expected and that you never risk getting a ticket just like you would if you chose to park on the street.
Note that we start your parking session only when you get into the garage based on your current location and how long it’ll take for you to drive to the garage based on current traffic and road conditions.
What does “guaranteed garage parking” mean?
Parkofon is a real-time parking platform - we know exactly how many people are parked at our garages at every given moment because user have to reserve a space before going in (even 1 minute in advance). So, if any spaces are available - you are guaranteed to get it. All with a couple of simple taps in the app.
I reserved the space and now have the QR code. Who do I show it to?
Most times you only need to show the QR code, a copy of which you should also receive by email, to the parking attendant in the garage. They simply scan it and you can leave immediately. Don't forget your ticket though! If the facility requires Parkofon personnel to be always nearby then you will see our staff wearing blue Parkofon vests just outside the garage and handing you the transponder when you arrive and show them the QR code.
How do you know that I have left the garage?
This is simple. When you leave, the Parkofon device uses your speed and location to determine that you are driving away. Next, it automatically stops the parking session and charges you only for the actual time you spent parked.
If you haven’t received your device yet, just go into the Parkofon app when you leave and confirm that you’ve driven away. We use the phone’s GPS sensor to determine your speed and direction to make sure that you have left the garage facility. If you are stuck in traffic right out of the door, just give us a call at (855) 546-7275 and we’ll make sure to help.
Where can I find Parkofon-enabled garages?
We currently have two locations in downtown Brooklyn - 180 Ashland Place and 100 Myrtle Ave. However, we are constantly growing; let us know where you need the next garage and we’ll work with your local businesses to make sure you are the first one to have anytime access.
How do you know that an on-street space is available?
Parkofon is a real-time parking platform. First, we have a fleet of drivers who circle the city and report open spaces in the app. Secondly, when other users leave parking spaces, be it a metered or free residential space, the Parkofon device automatically stops the parking session for them and notifies the system that the spot just vacated. You can see those vacant spaces in your app based on the probability of them remaining empty when you get there.
I have tried to find on-street spaces near me several times but couldn't find any. Why is that?
The Parkofon club is a growing network of drivers who care about easier, cheaper and safer parking. It might be that our users are just not in your area yet or our drivers are not frequent visitors to your neighborhood. It is really up to you if you want to grow the network around you and make sure that all drivers enjoy the full benefits of Parkofon community. Join today to save money, time and stress on your next parking.
Why do I need a Parkofon device in my car? Can’t you just provide the same benefits with the app alone?
Good question. The problem is that we never leave our phones in the car to make sure that the full parking session is captured and you always know where your car is parked, especially helpful if you get a ticket by mistake. Besides, our phones are not good enough yet to provide stable, precise geolocation. For example, if you drive in Manhattan, the phone might think you are 50ft away from where you actually are. Finally, we really don’t want to track your every movement wherever you go and drain your phone battery in a couple of hours by constantly using its GPS and motion sensor.
What about privacy? Can anyone else access my location data?
Short answer - no. Parkofon is a transparent company founded by scientists driven by ethics and integrity. We will never share your personal data with any third party without your explicit consent and participation. Your data belongs to you. We only request to use aggregate, anonymized information about multiple people’s driving and parking to help cities improve their accessibility and planning. This way we can help your city government to better serve you and other residents with informed decisions. See more details on our Privacy Policy here.
Can Parkofon help me dispute parking tickets?
Not yet but we are working on it. Because your Parkofon device is supposedly always inside your car, you can always access your owndata about the time, duration and location of your parking. While it will take time before judges accept Parkofon data as evidence (and we do not promise they ever will), it’s always handy to have your own location data when it is necessary.
I am in. Now what?
See our visual instructions below on how it all works. You can cancel any time if you don't like it. There is no contract with your monthly subscription. All you need to do is just return the undamaged Parkofon device back to us by mail, even after a few days or the entire first free month.
App-only FREE 15-day trial
1. Search for parking near you or at a given address.

2. Choose between guaranteed $6/hr garage parking and on-street parking (if available).

3. Reserve and pay (garage only).
You can stay however long you want - your parking session will be automatically extended by 1 hour before 7pm or by $10 all-night parking after 7pm.

4. Show QR code to valet and/or Parkofon personnel at the facility.

5. Simply go to the app again when you leave the garage and keep driving. We will stop the session for you!

Once you receive our free Transponder
1. Place device on the dash.

2. Reserve garage parking at a nearby facility - no prepayment necessary!

3. Show QR code to valet and/or Parkofon personnel at the facility.

4. When you leave the garage, we will automatically charge you for the actual time you spent parked (minimum $6) - no action needed!

Receive automated alerts when you park in a no parking zone and when street cleaning is coming.
Get expiration reminders when your max allowed metered parking is about to end.
Find your car anywhere you parked going to an event or a meeting.
Access detailed driving and parking analytics to help you drive safer, faster, and enjoy parking savings whenever you can.
© Copyright 2018 Parkofon Inc. All rights reserved.